In the news
Investment Week: Designed to disappoint - the hidden truths about well-known sharia-compliant funds
Aziz shares his thoughts in Investment Week on the state of play of the Shariah fund space.
Al Arabiya: Does The US Federal Reserve’s Decision to Raise Interest Rates Change Expectations About the Markets?
Aziz shares his thoughts on the events unfolding at Credit Suisse during a TV interview with AlArabiya.
Mayar Capital: We rule out a repeat of Lehman Brothers’ scenario with Credit Suisse for these reasons
Aziz shares his thoughts on the events unfolding at Credit Suisse during a TV interview with AlArabiya.
Morningstar: 13 Questions for Mayar’s Aziz Alnaim
Aziz talks to Maria Gerner about his investment strategy, roles models, his view on cryptocurrencies and what he’d never invest in.
The Daily Express: Find your investment strategy - three key concepts to keep in mind
Aziz shares his top three investment concepts to keep in mind for readers looking for help with planning their investment strategy.
Fundeye: The tale of the Mayar Fund, an alpha generating machine
Aziz in conversation with Fundeye editor, David Stephenson.